Duran Excavating 2024 Projects

3rd Ave. Storm Drain & Waterline Improvements

DEI was awarded the 3rd Ave. Storm & Waterline Improvements project from The City of Longmont. Work includes replacement of storm drain and waterline improvements. Detailed work includes removals of existing conditions, clear & grub, installation, 618 l.f. of 8” PVC waterline, ¾ “ services, 265 l.f. of 12”-18” RCP storm sewer and 6 manholes, inlets and asphalt and concrete patch and replacement, surveying, striping and erosion control.

Anythink Nature Library Infrastructure

DEI was awarded the Anythink Nature Library Infrastructure project for the City of Thornton. Work includes infrastructure development for a future library. Detailed work includes installation of 625 l.f. of 8” waterline and lowerings, 1,476 l.f. of 8” sanitary sewer and manholes, installation of 453 l.f. of 24”-36” RCP storm sewer, inlets and manholes. Additional work includes clearing and grubbing unclassified excavation, replacement of asphalt and concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving, landscape restoration, installation of traffic signals and electrical, surveying, traffic control, striping and signage.

Rock Ridge Apartments Utilities

DEI was awarded the Rock Ridge Apartments Utilities project from Edward Rose & Sons. Work includes infrastructure development. Detailed work includes installation of 5,500 lf of 8”-12” sanitary sewer and manholes, installation of 5,100 lf of 8” waterline, hydrants, fire line and meter vaults, installation of 3,350 lf of non-potable waterline and installation of 6,200 lf of 18”-36” storm sewer including manholes and inlets, as well as rip rap installation.

County Line Road, Telleen Avenue to Jay Road Multi-Model Improvements

DEI was awarded the County Line Road, Telleen Avenue to Jay Road Multi-Model Improvements from the Town of Erie. This project consists of the reconstruction of County Line Road between Telleen Avenue and Jay Road, including roadway improvements, adding a bike lane, sidewalks and a multi-use trail. Detailed work includes site demolition and removals, road excavation & grading, installation of 2,350cy of aggregate base course and 2,510 tons of asphalt paving, installation of concrete paving, curb & gutter and sidewalk, installation of 1,790 concrete bike trail, minor storm drainage improvements, and landscaping.

South Outfall Phase II Culverts

DEI was awarded the South Outfall Phase II Culverts from the City of Brighton. This project consists of culvert and storm system, drainage improvements at Sable Blvd and at Chambers Road in Brighton. Detailed work at Sable Blvd includes removals, installation of one 5’x3’ box culvert and one 7’x3’ box culvert, 36” RCP storm pipe, manhole, installation of 295 cy of rip rap and boulders, dewatering, 2,019 cy of muck excavation, asphalt paving and erosion control. Detailed work at Chambers Road includes removals, installation of one 7’x5’ box culvert at 20’ deep, manhole, 294 cy of rip rap and boulders, 1,289 cy of unclassified excavation, dewatering, asphalt paving and erosion control.

Kyger Reservoir Fishing Improvements

DEI was awarded the Kyger Reservoir Fishing Improvements Phase 2 project from the Town of Windsor. This project includes grading, excavation, placement of concrete, steel fishing pier, hand launch ramp, parking improvements and landscape. Detailed work includes site demolition, 1300 CY of excavation, parking lot improvements including aggregate base course, concrete paving and concrete sidewalk, construction of a movable floating pier and permanent stationary fishing pier and boat slide. Landscape & site improvements including seeding, planting of trees and shrubs, boulders and rip rap, trash receptacles and irrigation.