DEI was awarded the Old Town Improvements Project Phase II from the Town of Severance. The project includes removals, earthwork, grading and the placement of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, and asphalt pavement for five (5) local residential streets within the Old Town area of Severance. The project includes the relocation of sanitary sewer and water lines and installation of storm drainage facilities. Detailed work includes removals, 7,163 cy of excavation, 1,613 cy of embankment, installation of 300 lf of 8” sanitary sewer and manholes, 662 lf of 12” to 24” RCP storm sewer, manholes & inlets, construction of detention pond outlet structure and spillway, asphalt paving, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks and erosion control.
DEI was awarded the Centerplace Turn Lane Improvements Phase II from the City of Greeley. The work to be performed includes adding a new turn lane along Centerplace Drive at 44th Ave. Detailed work includes clearing & grubbing, earthwork and embankment, removal of existing asphalt, concrete pavement and concrete flatwork, installation of traffic signals, asphalt and concrete paving, landscaping and irrigation repairs and traffic control.
DEI was awarded the 1st Ave. at Emery St. Intersection Improvements & Rail Crossing project from the City of Longmont. The work to be performed under this contract generally includes intersection improvements, new traffic signal installation and rail crossing improvements at 1st Avenue and Emery Street. Major construction items includes: removals, asphalt pavement, concrete curb/gutter and sidewalk, electrical and traffic signal installation, pavement markings and traffic control.
DEI was awarded the 35th Ave. Widening & Utility Improvements Phase 1 project from the City of Greeley. This project includes work for the completed urban arterial street will be widened to have two-way left turn lane, a raised / landscaped median, curb & gutter, sidewalks, asphalt paving, on-street bike lanes, a modified traffic signal at 4th Street, a new emergency traffic signal at the Fire Station, and a new pedestrian HAWK Beacon signal for the trail crossing along No. 3 Canal. This project involves box culvert extensions, wing walls, retaining walls, channel grading, bridge rail, guardrail, and storm drainage improvements, including installation of 720 lf of 18”, 217 lf of 24”, 217 lf of 30” and 130 lf of 36” RCP Storm sewer pipe, crossing over waterline and sanitary sewer line. Phase 1 of the 35th Avenue Utility Project includes installation of 1,400 lf 24” C900 non-potable water line from the Greeley irrigation canal to F Street, construction of a dissipation structure at GIC #3, installation 430 lf of 20” waterline from C Street to F Street, installation of 140 lf of 18” and 1,300 lf of 24” sanitary sewer line from C Street to F Street. The potable water line will have 12-inch stub-outs to allow future developments to tie in for water service. Installation will require dewatering and sanitary sewer bypass pumping.
DEI was awarded the Resilient St. Vrain Project – Izaak Walton Reach 1 Utility Relocation project from the City of Longmont. This project includes work for the Relocation of Utilities including sewer main and waterline near St. Vrain creek and channel improvements due to 2013 Flooding. Detailed work includes removal of existing sanitary and waterline, installation of approximately 540 lf of 12” and 214 lf of 36” PVC Sanitary Sewer line, 264 lf of DIP sewer line crossing St. Vrain Creek, 7 manholes, installation of 545 lf of 12” PVC and 198 lf of 24” welded steel Waterline, 71 lf of cooper service line, hydrants, and gate valves. Creek crossing requires extensive excavation and shoring for installation of sanitary sewer 10’ below creek bottom. Work also includes concrete ditch lining, removal and replacement of concrete curb & gutter, sidewalks and asphalt and landscape restoration. Work includes extensive dewatering including installation of well points and pumping and sanitary bypass pumping.
DEI was awarded the Rock Ridge Apartments Earthwork Project from Edward Rose & Sons. The Work to be performed consists of excavation and grading for new apartment complex. Detailed work includes excavation of approx. 137,000 cy of cut and 136,000 cy of fill, respread 17,000 cy of topsoil, road prep including grading and installation of approx. 8400 sf of road base, and pad preparation and grading for building pads.
DEI was awarded the New Liberty Road Widening Project from the Town of Windsor. The work to be performed consists of demolition and paving to widen existing New Liberty Road. Detailed work includes demolition of existing median and asphalt, 7,600 sy of subgrade prep and soil treatment, grading, mill & overlay 21,825 sy of existing asphalt, 5,925 additional asphalt paving, installation of approx. 10,000 lf of curb & gutter, 51 handicap ramps, signage, striping, traffic control and landscape restoration.
DEI was awarded the Longs Peak Drive Sewer & Water Replacement Project from the Town of Lyons. The work to be performed consists of the construction of new water, sewer, storm and electrical utilities, roadway improvements, and concrete flatwork. Detailed work includes installation of 1,435 LF of 6” waterline, hydrants and potable water services, installation of 1,420 LF of 8” sanitary sewer line, 14 manholes, service lines and sewer bypass pumping. Work also includes 5,275 sy of asphalt paving and installation of concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks, traffic control, erosion control and landscape restoration.
DEI was awarded the Possum Gully Channel Improvements Project from the Aurora High Point at DIA Metropolitan District. The project includes channel improvements along Possum Gully from the E-470 & 68th Avenue. Detailed work includes installation of (1) 6’x10’ and (1) 7’x10’ concrete box culverts, wingwalls, headwalls, toe walls & footers, installation of approx. 9,200 CY of rip rap, 5,300 LF concrete trail, gravel maintenance trails, 15,727 CY of embankment materials, 2,225 CY of unclassified over-excavation, dewatering and erosion control.
DEI was awarded the Rock Ridge Apartments Ditch Irrigation Relocation from Edward Rose & Sons. The project includes ditch relocation and storm sewer improvements including demo & removal of existing headwall, irrigation pipes and existing flume to relocate irrigation ditch. Install Parshall flumes, 171’ of irrigation lines & draw pipes, installation of 1,680 LF of 54” RCP and 161 LF of 60” RCP, (3) 72” Manholes and CDOT MH base, for storm line from structure A to headwall. Installation of concrete headwall, 6’6” square irrigation structure, ditch paving and 50 tons of riprap. Work also includes removal of sediment in existing culvert.
DEI was awarded the PVH Master Plan – Parking Lot project from The Beck Group. The project includes earthwork & site utilities. Detailed work includes installation of 625 lf of 12”-15” HDPE storm pipe, 5 manholes, 200 lf of C900 waterline & hydrants, removals of asphalt & concrete, 3000 cy of site cut & fill, 4700 cy of import, structural excavation and backfill, fine grading & erosion control.