South Golden Road Corridor DEI was awarded the South Golden Road Corridor project by the City of Golden. Work includes removal and replacement of 18,000 s.f. of asphalt, scarify, grade and re-compact roadway, install curb, gutter, HC Ramps, sidewalk, colored concrete median and storm sewer.
DEI was awarded the 2013 Replacement of Culvert project from Adams County. Work includes removal of existing CMP under York street, replacing culvert with 38"x24" elliptical RCP, installation of headwall and guardrail, paving, striping, installation of rip rap and traffic control. Work also includes installation of 18" ADS pipe and inlets on 120th Ave. parkway. This project is located in Adams County.
DEI was awarded the 65th Ave. Roadway Improvements project by the City of Greeley. Work includes removal and replacement of existing roadway, including replacement of traffic signal lights, asphalt and concrete paving, electrical, add turn lanes and traffic control along this major highway intersection.
DEI was awarded the Transfort Maintenance Facility Expansion project by Heath Construction. Work includes removal and replacement of concrete curb & gutter, installation of 18" RCP and PVC pipe for storm sewer system, overlot grading, import site fill, structural excavation and backfill, spreading of topsoil and fine grading. This project is located in Fort Collins.
DEI was awarded the CCU Infrastructure – Utilities project by G.E. Johnson Construction Company. Work includes construction of underground 60” CMP detention pond, 1200 lf of storm sewer system, 12”-36” RCP with inlets & manholes.
DEI was awarded the 8th Ave. & 16th St. Pedestrian Improvements project by Northstar Concrete. Work includes saw cutting asphalt, removal of asphalt roadway, concrete sidewalks and curb & gutter.
DEI was awarded the 2012-C Capital Improvements project by the City of Federal Heights. Work includes installation of a new sanitary sewer system, water main and storm sewer system, along with service hook-up in residential areas. Work also includes removal and replacement of curb, gutter and roadway, bypass pumping and traffic control.
DEI was awarded the CCU Infrastructure – Earthwork project by G.E. Johnson Construction Company. Work includes demolition of 10 houses and school buildings, site cleanup, erosion control, removal of asphalt, structural excavation and installation of new 6,000 lf roadway and parking lot.
South Golden Road Corridor DEI was awarded the South Golden Road Corridor project by the City of Golden. Work includes removal and replacement of 18,000 s.f. of asphalt, scarify, grade and re-compact roadway, install curb, gutter, HC Ramps, sidewalk, colored concrete median and storm sewer.