DEI was awarded the General Storm Crestone Peak project from the City & County of Denver. This project includes work to replace storm sewer along alleyways in Denver to improve drainage. Detailed work includes removal approx. 1250 lf of existing storm sewer pipe, installation of 48 lf of 12” RCP, 1,100 lf of 18”, 612 lf of 24” and 8 lf of 36” RCP storm pipe, 269 lf of 24x38” RCP HE-III, 18 manholes, 14 inlets, and 45 lf of 6” DIP waterline. Work also includes removal and replacement of concrete sidewalk, 14,451 sf of concrete paving, asphalt base course, Asphalt patching, landscape repairs and traffic control.
DEI was awarded the Clear Creek Crossing Phase 2 – Storm Sewer Lake B5 project from the Longs Peak Metropolitan District. This project includes installation of storm sewer and structures, grading and boulders and riprap. Detailed work includes, clear & grub, site grading, excavation and embankment, installation of 1,346 lf. of 48” RCP. 41 lf of 36” RCP, 141 lf of 12” PVC and 94 lf of 38”x650” HERCP storm sewer, manholes and inlets. It also includes installation of 426 sy of B18 Boulders, 13 B36 & B42 boulders, 360 sy of riprap for concrete cutoff walls. Work also includes restoration of landscaping, erosion control measures and traffic control.
DEI was awarded the 2020 Water System Improvements Project from The City of Aurora. This project includes installation of storm sewer and structures, grading and boulders and riprap. Detailed work includes replacement of waterline in two locations in the City of Aurora. Detailed work includes installation of 5,554 LF of 6” PVC and 1,813 LF of 12” PVC waterline at depths up to 10 foot, installation of all associated, tees, bends, caps, blow off assemblies, install 28 Gate Valves with gate boxes,, connections to existing waterline, install ¾” – 4” copper service lines, remove and replace asphalt, concrete sidewalks, asphalt markings and landscape restoration.
DEI was awarded the Core City Pipe Replacement from The City of Brighton. This project includes installation of storm sewer and structures, grading and boulders and riprap. Detailed work includes replacement of waterline in old town Brighton. Detailed work includes installation of 2,879 LF of 12” and 8,739 LF of C900 D14 PVC waterline, 110 LF of 6” Dip waterline, all at depths of 6 foot, installation of 74 gate valves, removal & reinstall 172 service lines from main to meter pit and complete 12,911 SY of subgrade prep and asphalt replacement.
DEI was awarded the Roadway Repairs – Flood Recovery project from the Colorado Department of Transportation. Work includes installation of storm sewer system including 129 lf. Of 12” HDPe pipe, 14 lf of CMP, 9 cy of rip rap, four type R inlets, relocation water meter and install concrete headwall.
DEI was awarded the I-70 Kipling North Phase Safety and Operations Improvements project from the Colorado Department of Transportation. Work includes placing embankment material to widen I-70 west bound off ramp for an additional right turn lane, minor widening and concrete flat work at W. 50th & Kipling, installation of (8) traffic signals, asphalt paving, signing and striping.
DEI was awarded the Hwy 34 & Promontory Pkwy Traffic Signal & Turn Lane project from the City of Greeley. This project consists of adding a Westbound Left turn lane on Highway 34 at Promontory Parkway as well as traffic signal additions. Detailed work includes clearing & grubbing and removals, unclassified excavation, installation of road base & concrete paving, Installation of 18” RCP storm pipe, electrical work, installation of traffic signal lights, erosion control, landscaping and traffic control.
DEI was awarded the US 287 Longmont Intersection Improvements project from the Colorado Department of Transportation. This project consists of improvements at three (3) intersections on US 287 (Main Street) in Longmont. The work at US 287 and Pike Road consists of widening US 287 towards the east to add an additional dedicated northbound to westbound left turn lane, new signal heads, replacing existing ADA curb ramps, signing and striping, and constructing a new sidewalk. The work at US 287 and Grand Ave consists of singing and restriping US 287 to narrow the existing through lanes to accommodate a doweled in center median on US 287. The work at US 287 and 17th Ave consists of constructing center medians on US 287 both on the north and south side of 17th Ave, signing and striping, and adding backplates to all the signal heads at the intersection.
DEI was awarded the WCR 2 & I-76 Frontage Road Roundabout project from The Town of Lochbuie. This project includes grading, asphalt paving, concrete paving, cub, gutter, sidewalk, earthwork, storm systems, electrical, lights, traffic control, signage, striping, landscaping, and stabilization. Detailed work includes site demolition, removal of 11,500 sy of asphalt, 4,660 cy of excavation, installation of 3,000 cy of embankment, 5,200 sy of aggregate base course, 4,200 tons of asphalt paving, installation of 530 LF of 18”- 30” RCP storm pipe, inlets, manholes, installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk, landscaping and irrigation and electrical work.